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Creating an Automatic Filter for Spam messages - Microsoft Outlook

Instead of reader all of your Spam, why not move it to a sepearate folder which holds all of the spam until you are ready to deal with it. This is essentially a Quarantine for Spam on your PC (SpamZapper also supports a Quarantine for your Spam on our Servers, in case you don't want to download it before reviewing it.).

The firest step is to create an automatic rule for your Email. Select the Tool Menu, and click on Rules Wizard.

Microsoft OutLook Mail Reader

This will provide you with the following pop-up window. The Rule wwe are going to create is going to move the message based on content.

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Select -With specific words in the Subject, and cleck next.

Select the Default Profile

In this window, we put the words Spam Score, and then click the Add button.

Internet E-mail Settings

Your screen will then look like this.

Internet E-mail Settings

Click OK, and you will see that we are going to Specify the Folder for the Spam messages to be placed in. Click Next.

Internet E-mail Settings

Select the Folder you wish to hold the SPAM, or Select a location for the New Folder to be created in. -- Here we select the Inbox, and Click New to Create the Spam Folder.

Internet E-mail Settings

Selecting yes will make it easier to track this folder later on.

Internet E-mail Settings

Click OK, after creating the Folder called SPAM.

Internet E-mail Settings

The Rules Wizard now Depicts the Rule to move messages with the Subject Spam Score into the Folder called Spam. -- Click Finish.

Internet E-mail Settings

This View shows the Various Rules which were created. Please make sure that your rule is selected in order for it to be considered active.

Internet E-mail Settings

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  copyright © 2003 ABS Computer Technology, Inc. - All rights reserved.
The SPAM Zapper is the Registered Trademark of ABS Computer Technology, Inc.